Holy One of Bright Colors, the red, the white, and the blue, may we be showered not only in light this 4th of July, but also with enlightenment.
May that enlightenment come in the form of seeking a collective betterment of our American society. On this holiday, though it is not a Holy Day, we celebrate the camaraderie of the delegates to the 13 original colonies. We pray that in modern times the power of these delegates to come together be reflected back to us.
Divine Creator, you taught us the holiness of words when you breathed the breath of life into the world. Today we long for words to be used for agreement, for the betterment of this world, for a common goal that benefits not only those with strength in step, but that serves the weak as well.
God of Song and Praise, we recall the writing of those longing words for America the Beautiful, “till all success be nobleness, and every gain divine.”
An Alternative Prayer:
God of Celebration, may You protect all who engage in the festivities of cookouts, parades, and fireworks.
God of All Creatures, may the dogs who tremble and the babies who cry find a white noise machine to drown out the pop of the fireworks.
God of Joy, may everyone find a spark of excitement on this 4th of July.