“What’s the best part about being Jewish?”, I asked a group of 6th-grade boys today. The only three answers were (in order): the food, the holidays, and Shabbat! They’re not wrong. And the best place in the world to experience it all (besides Temple Emanu-El), is in ISRAEL.
Nothing compares to the food in Israel. There is no replicating fresh veggies and fruits, falafel and hummus, and a cold Coke with fries on a warm Tel Aviv day at the beach, not in New York, not in Los Angeles, and not in Atlanta. When you’re with Rabbi Spike, Rabbi Rachael, and me in Jerusalem on Ben Sira St. or right off the Tel Aviv beach on Carmel St., you’ll get the culinary experience of a lifetime.
Even though this trip to Israel won’t have a major Jewish holiday, the real eye-opening experience is to welcome Shabbat with 7 million people all at once. When we’re in Jerusalem for Shabbat this June, you will hear the noise of traffic, of shops, of the whole city start to quiet. Then, the sounds of prayer, of clanging dishes of Shabbat dinner, of laughter at the table will fill the atmosphere. If you’ve welcomed Shabbat in Israel before, then you know how magical it can be, and if you haven’t yet, what are you waiting for?!?!
A couple of spots just opened on the Family Bus AND the Adult Bus. If you haven’t made summer travel plans yet, join us for an unforgettable 10 days in the Holy Land.
Click HERE to get the info from Rabbi Spike. We are so excited to say, “THIS year in Jerusalem!”