Our Vision
No-babysitter-required social activities for adults and their kid(s) to enjoy together.
We want to prioritize outdoor, nonstructured events like mornings or afternoons at a brewery, parks, picnics, the Battery, JCC, and more.
Spiritual gatherings that speak to little ones and the adults.
We want to continue to come together in prayer and song through Tot Shabbat and Kid-ish.
Social justice events make room for hands-on activities for all ages.
We want to find ways for little hands and big hands to work together for change.
Do you have to be a member to attend?
Outside of Tot Shabbat, Yes!
This group is a perk of belonging to Temple Emanu-El. If you have a friend interested in learning more about Temple Emanu-El they are welcome to accompany you to ONE event to check things out. The rabbis would LOVE the chance to connect with your friends as they explore the right synagogue-home for their family.
Who watches the kids at these events?:
You do!
The loving adult(s)! While the event is for everyone, parents will be responsible for their own kiddo(s) throughout the events.
Will the events cost money?
Sometimes it’ll just be meet ups, other times there will be small costs to cover expenses.
What if I have one kid who is in the targeted age range and one who is not?
The goal is no babysitter needed!
These events are for loving adults, kids in the specified age group, and their siblings.