Dear Temple Emanu-El,
The Jews of Georgia had a big ‘win’ this week!
For those of you who were awake this past Yom Kippur for the sermon, we talked about the importance of passing HB30, known as the ‘antisemitism bill’ through the Georgia State Legislature.
The previous two years we were unsuccessful in this effort, but this past Thursday, HB30 passed overwhelmingly in the Georgia State House and Senate.
Many Jewish organizations have put significant time and energy into lobbying elected officials, meeting with them, and explaining how HB30 will increase our (sense of) protection as Antisemitism continues to dramatically rise. (An important note, out of all the Georgia State legislators, only one is Jewish (Esther Panitch, House District 51).
The American Jewish Committee (AJC) really quarterbacked this effort, and I am VERY PROUD to say that Temple Emanu-El did our part.
Almost 400 of you were at our Legislative Shabbat dinner & service on January 12th, where we hosted more than 50 elected officials. Some of you were ‘buddied’ up for the evening, to host our guests, and talk about what it was like to be Jewish in America today, and the importance of passing HB30.
Many of our congregants took the day last Thursday to be at the state capital to fill the gallery with our voices as the votes were cast.
Yesterday was a historic day as Governor Kemp signed HB30 into law.
This is a big deal.
Now, I would ask one more thing of you. We need to follow up, and we need to do it thoroughly.
The AJC has provided us with the language, and the links, to reach out to the Georgia legislators who voted for HB30, and the ones who voted against HB30.
I cannot stress enough how important it is that we get in touch with them in significant numbers.
If you want to personally make a difference against antisemitism in Georgia, this is an excellent use of your time.
For our allies on HB30, they need to know that we see and appreciate them with words of gratitude and recognition. Trust me, they are hearing from other constituents who are unhappy with their vote.
For those few who voted against HB30, they also need to hear from us. We need to be respectful, but firm that we are very disappointed. We are not looking to burn bridges, but we need to let them know that we are paying attention.
Additionally, we need to thank Governor Brian Kemp and Lt. Governor Burt Jones for their support of HB30.
Chazak Chazak V’NitChazak- Be Strong, be strong, and through one another may we be strengthened.
Shabbat shalom
Rabbi Spike