This Friday marks Rosh Chodesh Kislev, a month that is both the darkest and brightest month in the year. We move from our month free of holidays (Cheshvan) into winter and our celebration of Chanukah.
This year, Chanukah aligns with winter solstice. Just as we move into the darkest nights of the year, we bring the brightness and joy of Chanukah with each additional candle we light over eight nights. Just in time, my Deep Dive into Chanukah begins next week! This three part stand-alone class series will uncover history, ritual and of course, music.
Did you know that there are four main interpretations of why we celebrate Chanukah? The Chanukah story changed over time and its original intent is actually quite different from what we celebrate today. Join me and learn about how religion and politics shaped our early Jewish history and the celebration of Chanukah.
How Many Candles Do We Light Anyway? We will uncover Chanukah rituals, the history of the dreidle, and learn why we add light to our Chanukiot each night. Chanukah means “rededication.” What do you want to “rededicate” yourself to this year? We will explore the spiritual side of this joyous holiday.
A Deep Dive into Chanukah would not be complete without a deep dive into the music that helps us celebrate! The Journey of Maoz Tzur and other “Hanukkah Hits” will take us through the history of the poem Maoz Tzur, and its many settings to music. We will also have an opportunity to learn about other favorites on the Hanukkah hit list.
There are many ways to get into the Chanukah spirit this month! Register for the Evening Class or the Mid-Day Class of A Deep Dive Into Chanukah. For more music and decoration, meet us at the Governor’s Mansion December 8th at 3pm. Click HERE for details and to let us know you are coming. Finally, hear the story of Chanukah through music as combined choirs, soloists and instrumentalists 4ll our sanctuary December 15th. Selections from Judas Maccabeus and a rousing Chanukah sing along will create an afternoon you do not want to miss! Register HERE