Tomorrow evening’s Shabbat service will be led by our Confirmation classes of 5780 & 5781.
There is something really sweet, and inspiring, when you see our synagogue’s 10th and 11th graders celebrate their years of Jewish education through prayer.
For those of you who are familiar with Confirmation, likely you have memories of profound connection.
Which connection is most valuable to living a life of purpose and meaning? The one with your rabbi who you have met with weekly for years? The one with your synagogue which comes to house your amazing Jewish experiences? The one with your Jewish community, your Jewish friends, who will remain with you for many decades to come? The one with The Divine, whom you have been given the space, and the time, to explore?
The answer, of course, is that all of them are invaluable and will pay dividends way beyond any particular moment in time.
If you have kids (or grandkids) considering Confirmation Academy at Temple Emanu-El, or if you just want to be inspired and reassured about our Jewish future, join us Facebook or Youtube.
Shabbat shalom!