A Shabbat dinner experience sponsored by Temple Emanu-El and initiated by Rabbi Rachael and Rabbi Max to reach out to unaffiliated Jews in their 20’s and 30’s living in North Atlanta area (Brookhaven, Buckhead, Dunwoody, and Sandy Springs). These dinners are adult-only spaces to meet new friends and deepen relationships with old ones. Each month a different host will work with Rabbi Rachael and Rabbi Max to craft an inclusive, meaningful, and deeply spiritual Shabbat dinner in their own home. If you know someone in their 20’s or 30’s to whom we should extend a dinner invitation, please contact Rabbi Rachael rkmiller@templeemanuelatlanta.com or Rabbi Max mmiller@templeemanuelatlanta.com … [Read more...]
Temple Emanu-El College Reunion Dinner With the Clergy
Catch up with your Emanu-El friends, Rabbi Spike and Cantor Adesnik. Plus, don't forget to meet our new clergy, Rabbi Max and Rabbi Rachael. Dinner is on us! RSVP by Dec. 14th below. … [Read more...]
Regressive Dinner-6th, 7th, & 8th Grade
Join us for Dessert First! Drop off @ Brusters in Dunwoody Village Pick-up @ Moe's in Dunwoody Village RSVP by Dec. 14th below. For questions regarding special dietary needs/concerns contact: Rabbi Max Miller mmiller@templeemanuelatlanta.com … [Read more...]
Temple Emanu-El Chanukah Dinner for the Board
A special Chanukah Dinner for the Board of Trustees, Executive Committee, Financial Committee and their families. Vegetarian Dinner - Buffet Style Register below. … [Read more...]
Sababa Hanukkah Celebration Dinner
Please bring an unwrapped toy to be donated to Toys for Tots in conjunction with Sisterhood's support of the Governor's Mansion. $18 RSVP below by December 15th … [Read more...]